Why am I blogging?

After the miscarrige I started reading posts from people going through similar situation and it made me feel worse. It delayed the healing process.. so I stopped reading about miscarriges and focussed on me. This helped a lot. And very soon I fell pregnant again… yeeyyyyy (discovered a few days ago)

I decided to use this blog to write my day to day hopes, feelings, concerns and wishes with this pregnancy till the bump turns into a baby in my arms.

How it all began..

So it all began 5 years ago when we thought we might be pregnant. To be honest we weren’t actively “trying” before that. The thought of being pregnant was very exciting and overwhelming at the same time. After a couple of weeks it turned out to be a false alarm. But the idea of having a baby was still there so we decided to actually try for one. Fast forwarding it to November 2017… we were pregnant… I could fell all the happiness in the world at the same time in that moment I saw the positive test… But unfortunately we lost the pregnancy at 10 weeks … It was a very painful experience.. physically, mentally and emotionally …